50% or F
56% or F
As a percentage it is 58% and the letter grade depends on the awarding body.
63% or D
F (50%)
Generally, no, it's an F.
40 out of 50 is 80%. The grade which this represents will depend on grade boundaries which, in turn, will depend on the standardising procedure.
an f 50% and below is an f 50% to 60% is a d 70% to 80% is a c 80% to 90% is a b 90% and above is an A 13/55 on a calculator do 13 divided by 55 and get 0.236363636 and you get your percent of 24%
If you get 20 wrong out of 50 questions what is your grade?
The answer depends on the grade boundaries, but normally 70% would not be an F grade.