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Convert this to a common unit. For example, to convert meters per second to km/hour, multiply by 3.6.

Convert this to a common unit. For example, to convert meters per second to km/hour, multiply by 3.6.

Convert this to a common unit. For example, to convert meters per second to km/hour, multiply by 3.6.

Convert this to a common unit. For example, to convert meters per second to km/hour, multiply by 3.6.

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14y ago

Convert this to a common unit. For example, to convert meters per second to km/hour, multiply by 3.6.

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Q: If a nerve cell travels 100 meters per second and a car travels at 88.5 kilometers a hour which is faster?
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If a nerve cell travels 100 meters per second and a car travels at 88.5 kilometers per hour which is faster explain?

100 m/s

What is faster 67.9 meters per second or 302 kilometers per hour?

302 kilometers per hour is faster than 67.9 meters per second. (67.9 meters per second equals 244.4 km per hour).

What was the average sPEED in meters per second of a car that travels 400 kilometers in 5 hours?

a) Divide the kilometers by the hours, to get the speed in kilometers per hour. b) Divide this result by 3.6, to convert to meters/second.

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0.2km per second is faster as o.2km is actually 200 meters which is 20,000cm.

How many km would light travel in a minute?

-Light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second.-There is 31,556,926 seconds in one year.-Light travels 9,460,528,412,464,108 meters in one year and after doing the math, light travels 9,460,528,412,464.108 kilometers in one year.

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Neither; they are equal.

Do sound waves travel even faster through liquids and solids?

Yes. The denser the medium, the faster it travels. So, it travels fastest in solids, and slowest in gases. It can range from only about 340 meters per second in air, to over 2000 meters per second in steel.

Witch is faster 216 km in an hour or 60 meters in a second?

both are equal. 60 kilometer in a second=60X60X60 meters in an hour=60X60X60/1000 kilometers in an hour=216 kilometers in an hour.

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75.2 meters per second is faster than 256 km/h.75.2 meters per second = 168.2 mph256 km/h = 159.1 mph

A car travels sixty five km 1 hour what is its average speed in meters per second?

To convert from kilometers per hour to meters per second, divide by 3.6.

If a cannon fires at a great distance from you why do you see the flash before you hear the sound.?

you see the flash of light first because light travels faster that sound. light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second whaile sound only travels at 340.29 meters per second.

If a cannon fires at a great distance from you why do you see the flash before you hear the sound?

you see the flash of light first because light travels faster that sound. light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second whaile sound only travels at 340.29 meters per second.