It's neither, 12 noon and 12 midnight are just that although there are a lot of illiterates in positions where they should know better!)
Midnight... 12:00 Am Noon... 12:00 Pm
No, noon is not the same as afternoon. Noon is specifically 12:00 midday - and less precisely, the general time period from about 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Afternoon has no specific time associated with it, but is the period from 12:00 midday to the equally imprecise 'evening' - but which is generally considered to begin around 5:00 or 6:00 pm.
AM stands for Ante Meridiem, PM stands for Post Meridiem. Basically translated into English, Before Noon, and After Noon, respectively. Thus the change from 11:59 AM to 12:00 PM.
Noon is PM, midnight is AM.
am and pm change at 12:00 noon. before 12:00 noon is am. at 12:00 it is noon. after 12:00 noon it is pm.
The correct way to write 12:00 noon is "12:00 PM."
Noon is 12:00 p.m.
1200 pm is noon. Midnight is typically referred to as 12:00 am.
1200 PM would be noon, or 12:00 in the afternoon.
Midnight... 12:00 Am Noon... 12:00 Pm
If it's 12:00 noon, it is "pm" (post meridiem) since midday is the transition from morning to afternoon.
Neither. The correct way to identify 12:00 is to say 12:00 noon or 12:00 stands for ante meridiem which means before noon and pm stands for post meridiem which means after noon. Since noon itself is neither before noon or after it, the use of am and pm is not appropriate. The same argument can be applied to midnight.
Twelve noon is 12:00 PM. It is the middle of the day when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky.
AM stands for "ante meridiem" and refers to the time from midnight to noon, while PM stands for "post meridiem" and refers to the time from noon to midnight. AM starts at 12:00 AM (midnight) and ends at 11:59 AM (noon), while PM starts at 12:00 PM (noon) and ends at 11:59 PM (midnight).
8:00 am to 12:00 noon = 4 hrs 12:00 noon to 10:00 pm = 10 hrs Hence total = 14 hours
It is best to write or refer to midday as 12:00 noon and midnight as 12:00 midnight, even though it is correct to refer to midnight as 12:00 am and noon as 12:00 pm. This may cause confusion, however, if it is not clear to the recipient.