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The final velocity of a falling object can be worked out by the use of the formula a = (v - u)/t a = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m.s-2 v = final velocity = unknown u = initial velocity = 0 t = time taken = 3.5s Factor these known values into our equation 9.8 = (v - 0)/3.5 rearrange the formula to workout the unknown value v = 9.8 x 3.5 Final velocity on impact with valley floor = 34.3 m.s-1 with a downwards direction

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2mo ago

The velocity of the rock as it hits the ground can be calculated using the formula: velocity = acceleration due to gravity × time taken. Assuming the acceleration due to gravity is -9.81 m/s^2 (negative sign indicates downward motion), the velocity of the rock as it hits the ground would be approximately -34.335 m/s.

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4y ago

9.8 m/s

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Q: If rock at rest falls off a cliff and hits the valley below after 3.5 seconds what is the rocks velocity as it hits the ground?
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How much time does a passerby on the sidewalk below have to move out of the way before the penny hits the ground?

A penny dropped from the top of a skyscraper would reach the ground in approximately 9.2 seconds. A passerby on the sidewalk below would have less than 9 seconds to move out of the way once they see the penny falling.

Below is the rule for calculating the velocity of a falling object Use this rule to calculate the rate expressed in feet per second that a piano dropped 5 seconds ago is falling?

The rule for calculating the velocity of a falling object is V = gt, where V is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity (32 ft/s^2), and t is the time in seconds. Plugging in the values: V = (32 ft/s^2) x 5 seconds = 160 ft/s. Therefore, the piano dropped 5 seconds ago is falling at a rate of 160 feet per second.

How do you calculate angular velocity?

Angular velocity can be calculated by dividing the change in angle by the time taken to make that change. Mathematically, angular velocity (ω) is given by the formula ω = Δθ/Δt, where Δθ is the change in angle in radians and Δt is the change in time in seconds.

What happens when i stand on the edge of a cliff and throw a ball into a canyon?

The ball will follow a parabolic trajectory as it moves through the air, influenced by gravity. Eventually, the ball will hit the ground of the canyon below. It will travel a distance horizontally and vertically before reaching the ground, with the exact path dependent on the initial velocity and angle at which it was thrown.

How long will it take a shell fired from a cliff at an inital velocity of 800ms at an angle of 30 below the horizontal to reach the ground 150m below?

To find the time it takes for the shell to reach the ground, we can use the kinematic equation: (h = v_{0y}t + \frac{1}{2}at^2), where (h) is the vertical displacement (-150m), (v_{0y}) is the initial vertical velocity (800*sin(30)), (a) is the acceleration due to gravity (-9.81m/s^2), and (t) is the time. Solving for (t) gives us the answer, which is approximately 6.77 seconds.

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How much time does a passerby on the sidewalk below have to move out of the way before the penny hits the ground?

A penny dropped from the top of a skyscraper would reach the ground in approximately 9.2 seconds. A passerby on the sidewalk below would have less than 9 seconds to move out of the way once they see the penny falling.

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