If you turned 76 on your birthday in 2011, then you were born in 1935.
75 or 76 depending on when you were born in the year
As of June 10 2013, they were born between 11 June 1936 and 10 June 1937.
Albert Einstein was born in March 14, 1879 and died in April 18, 1955 at the age of 76
Either 76 or 77, depending on what month and date you born on.
If you turned 76 on your birthday in 2011, then you were born in 1935.
Hadrian was born in 76 B.C.E. in Rome.
75 or 76 depending on when you were born in the year
If you were born in 1937, you would be turning 76 in the year 2013.
2014 minus 1938 is 76. If you were born in 1938 and had a birthday this year then you would be 76 years old.
As of June 10 2013, they were born between 11 June 1936 and 10 June 1937.
Well, honey, if you're 76, you were born in 1946. It's not rocket science, just basic math. So put on your reading glasses and do the math, darling.
Current Age = Current Year - Year of Birth, if the person has had a birthday in the current year and one year less than that if not.
Albert Einstein was born in March 14, 1879 and died in April 18, 1955 at the age of 76
If you are 76 of June 30th 2013 you were born in 1954
if a 7 year old is between 44 and 76 then all you have to do is double 44 and 76
Hadrian was born on January 24, 76.