Hail mary our father glory be apostles creed act of contrition
Two important things people can learn from studying history is the grest triumphs of the past and the things that happened long ago that to not repeat again.
How many do you need? I'll give you a ton... how to walk, how to talk, how to eat, how to write ect. A lot of things. In my opinion, a child learns these important things: they learn about their Creator, God. They learn how to treat others and how to take care of themselves. They learn different things depending on their education, and they learn to respect their parents and elders.
to learn new things
they help students learn things they may not know.
more important things adout Sacajawea
to learn / get motivated by things we don't know
To experiment on things you want to know and learn about.
so u lern 2 discrib
first you learn how to spell things correctly
The town crier was important in Medieval Times because they helped the people learn about what is going on . They also helped people learn things that will be improved .
they where the first to learn how to fly an airplane