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Q: In order to determine the amount of liquid a spherical tank will hold would you need to use volume or surface area?
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What are two factors that determine how spherical a drop of a liquid will be?

Surface tension and gravitational force are two factors that determine how spherical a drop of a liquid will be. Surface tension tends to minimize the surface area of the drop, leading to a spherical shape, while gravitational force can distort the shape of the drop depending on its magnitude and direction.

Which physical phenomenon is attributed to tendency of a liquid drop to assume spherical shape?

Surface tension is the physical phenomenon that causes a liquid drop to assume a spherical shape. This is because a spherical shape minimizes the surface area of the drop, thereby reducing surface tension energy.

Why does liquid water take the shape of a sphere?

Liquid water tends to form spherical droplets due to surface tension, which minimizes the surface area of the water droplet. This results in a spherical shape, as it has the smallest surface area for a given volume of water.

How do use spherical in a sentence?

Prescriptions for corrective vision for nearsighted persons always include a spherical part. If the person has astigmatism along with nearsightedness, the prescription will also include a cylindrical part. A small amount of a liquid with a high surface tension in a near vacuum in space with no disturbing gravitational field will assume a spherical form, because that minimizes the area of surface for any particular volume.

What liquids form spherical drops because of this property?

Liquids with high surface tension, such as water, form spherical drops due to this property. Surface tension is the cohesive force that causes molecules at the surface of a liquid to be drawn inward, creating a spherical shape to minimize surface area.

How come the sun moon and earth are spherical?

A liquid or semi-liquid without a container in microgravity takes on the shape that has the least amount of surface area compared to the volume. That would be a sphere. Now, if it is turning there will be a slight bulge at the equator of the ball, which there is.

Why Mercury is spherical in shape liquid?

The reason mercury droplets are spherical is because they do easily wet other surfaces. For this reason, mercury forms spheres, which have the smallest possible ration of surface area to volume.

Why drop of liquid acquire spherical shape?

A drop of liquid acquires a spherical shape due to surface tension, which causes the liquid molecules to be attracted to each other, minimizing the surface area and forming the most efficient shape, a sphere, to contain the volume of liquid. This shape has the least surface area for a given volume, making it favorable for liquids.

What forms bubbles surface tension?

Bubbles are formed due to a combination of surface tension and gas trapped in a liquid. The surface tension of the liquid causes the bubble to retain its spherical shape. When a gas is introduced into the liquid, the surface tension pulls the liquid molecules together around the gas to form the bubble.

What are two factors that determined how spherical a drop of a liquid will be?

One is the liquid's surface tension. A drop of water will be quite spherical because is has strong surface tension, meaning the edges of the droplet are drawn into the centre. Another factor could be the speed with which the drop falls, as the air particles will have to be pushed apart quicker, making the droplet more streamlines, therefore less spherical.

What is the energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid by a given amount?

The energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid by a given amount is known as surface energy or surface tension. This energy is a result of the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules at the surface and is dependent on factors such as the type of liquid and the area increase.

What does the word droplet mean?

A droplet is a very small drop of a liquid. It is typically used to describe tiny, spherical or nearly spherical particles of liquid. For example, raindrops are droplets of water falling from the sky, and when you put a drop of water on a surface,