32000 + 7654 = 39654
6 units, which is 6.
In the number 706,543 the number 6 in in the thousands place, and has the value of six thousand.
The face value of the number 6 is always 6. The place value, on the other hand, is the value which changes based upon where it is placed in the number.
512 345 7654
32000 + 7654 = 39654
The phone number of the Forestville Library is: 707-887-7654.
The phone number of the Wister Public Library is: 918-655-7654.
8(6741)3= 8(7654)3 the digits between 8,3 are 4. 6(7)4=6(5)4 so the answer is four (8,3&6,4)
6 units, which is 6.
Its value is 6.
In the number 706,543 the number 6 in in the thousands place, and has the value of six thousand.