A scale with a gm mode is probably referring to "grains."
In metric, grain (gn) is equal to 50 MICROgrams (mg).
In Imperial/British/Standard: The term dates back to the early British (aka Imperial) system of weights and measures where grain was used as the basis of all weights and was, therefore, the smallest of all weights in this system.
1 grain = 1/7,000 of a pound (lb), or about 0.0646 grams
In mass, gm is sometimes used to indicate grams, though g is more common (and correct). Weight is not a measure of mass but a measure of the effect of gravity on a mass, so in this case, it would not actually be a measurement of weight.
Global Maplestory. No, I think what they mean is what is the GMS on the Yankee's uniform stand for. George Michael Steinbrenner, the owner of the Yankees who recently died (July 4, 1930 to July 14, 2010).
GM's control the flow and progresse of the team and are some times the owners.
Co - cmbt cl - admin fa - fa gm - maint mm - mech of - food el - elec sc - commo st - tech gt - gt
Kevin Colbert has been the Steelers GM since the start of the 2000 season.
Matt Millen.
General Motors (GM)
That's easy! Blue Jay's GM, Stand Pat Gillick
0.0005 gm
There are 45 grams in 45g. Grams (g) is a unit of measurement for mass in the metric system. When you state "45g," you are already referring to 45 grams, so there is no need for conversion or calculation in this case.
It stands for gigameter
Girls' Medium
No. It is the mass.
General Motors
1000 gm
6.25 gm
Morgan and Peace dollars - 26.7 gm Eisenhower dollars - 22.7 gm SBA, Sacagawea, and Presidential dollars - 8.1 gm
Listed on the drivers door post.