to make the answer to this problem clear, ignore the decimals for now. now it simply reads that 405 is less than 445. pretty obvious. however, you must understand that the decimals were not just taken away; both numbers had the decimal place moved the same amount of times. therefore, when comparing 56.00009 and 57.01 you cant ignore the decimals and say that 5600009 is greater that 5701. if you move the decimals in both numbers to the right the same amount of times then you get the question, "is 5600009 greater than 5701000?" the answer is no.
405 is exactly 9 times the square root of five . The square root of 5 is irrational and can only be approximated with decimals.
405 is a composite number because it has more than 2 factors
405 x 405 = 164,025
to make the answer to this problem clear, ignore the decimals for now. now it simply reads that 405 is less than 445. pretty obvious. however, you must understand that the decimals were not just taken away; both numbers had the decimal place moved the same amount of times. therefore, when comparing 56.00009 and 57.01 you cant ignore the decimals and say that 5600009 is greater that 5701. if you move the decimals in both numbers to the right the same amount of times then you get the question, "is 5600009 greater than 5701000?" the answer is no.
405 is exactly 9 times the square root of five . The square root of 5 is irrational and can only be approximated with decimals.
Less than 25 cents.
Less than 30 cents.
Less than 15 cents.
405 is a composite number because it has more than 2 factors
405 x 405 = 164,025
>>> 405 / 52.07.7884615384615383Slightly more than 7 hours and 45 minutes.
405 grams of water equals 405 milliliters of water. This only holds true for water. You are converting from weight to volume which depends on the density of the substance in which you are interested. Water has a density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter (identical to a milliliter), so the conversion is one to one. Significantly, if you have 405 grams of sand, you will get a much smaller volume (approximately 270 ml) since sand's density is greater than water. Similarly, 405 grams of flour makes a volume greater than 405 ml because the density is lower than that of water.
5% of 405 = 5% * 405 = 0.05 * 405 = 20.25
38% of 405 = 38% * 405 = 0.38 * 405 = 153.9