In the context of measurements, 060 typically refers to 60 inches. This is because the leading zero is often used to indicate that the number is a whole number, rather than a decimal. Therefore, 060 is equivalent to 60 inches.
.060 acres = 2,613.6 square feet.
It is 75100.
2.5L 4cyl - .060 2.8L V6 - .045 4.3L v6 .035
0.06 is larger
The spark plug gap should be set a .045" With an aftermarket coil gaps can be increase <.060"
If my math is correct , just over 362 cubic inches ( 4 inch bore x 3.5 inch stroke , bored .060 inches )
Yes allowable up and down movement is about .060 inch.Yes allowable up and down movement is about .060 inch.
.045 if you upgrade the HEI module to a higher power one you can increase the gap upto .060.
.060 Inch
.060 of an inch
If my math is correct : using a 4 inch bore and a 3.48 inch stroke , with the cylinders bored .060 , just over ( 360 cubic inches )
According to the emissions sticker on on my '96 says .060 but if you look in the users manual it says .045 which is correct I don't know. When I took the plugs out of mine they were about .075 so I'm guessing they started out at .060 and burnt to the .075 in the 82,000 miles. So when I replaced mine I set then m at .060 Gramps
.060 inch