To determine which fraction is larger, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator is 8. When we convert 3/4 to have a denominator of 8, we get 6/8. Comparing 6/8 and 5/8, we can see that 6/8 is larger, so 3/4 is greater than 5/8.
To compare fractions, convert them to a common denominator - in this case, a denominator of 8 will work.
To compare fractions, convert them to a common denominator - in this case, a denominator of 8 will work.
To compare fractions, convert them to a common denominator - in this case, a denominator of 8 will work.
To compare fractions, convert them to a common denominator - in this case, a denominator of 8 will work.
4 over 5 is bigger.
Yes. The 3 in 3/4 is bigger than the 4 in 4/5, because the three holds more percent.
3/4 as a number = 0.75 4/5 as a number = 0.8 So the answer is No, 4/5 is bigger.
4/5 = 0.8, therefore 4 over 5 is bigger than 0.54
5/6 is bigger than 2/3 (2/3 = 4/6, which is less than 5/6)
4 over 5 is bigger.
Yes. The 3 in 3/4 is bigger than the 4 in 4/5, because the three holds more percent.
3/5=21/35 4/7=20/35 3/5 is bigger by a small bit
5/6 is bigger than 2/4 or 5/6 is bigger than 3/6
3/4 as a number = 0.75 4/5 as a number = 0.8 So the answer is No, 4/5 is bigger.
5/6 ( 2/3 is the same as 4/6 )
Well, honey, let me break it down for you. To compare fractions, you need a common denominator. In this case, both fractions have a denominator of 5 times 4, which is 20. When you do the math, 4/5 is bigger than 3/4. So, 4 over 5 is the bigger fish in this pond.
There are infinite numbers like this but 3 over 5, 3 over 6 and 3 over 7 are smaller than 3 over 4 and bigger than 3 over 8.
4/5 = 0.8, therefore 4 over 5 is bigger than 0.54
3 over 4 is 6 over 8 and is bigger than 5 over 8.