Yes, 0.0098 is greater than 0.0054. If you move the decimal 4 places to the right in each number, you have 98 versus 54, and of course 98 is greater than 54. As a note of grammar, 98 may not be LARGER than 54, depending on the FONT SIZE, but it will always be greater than 54.
1, as it's 24/24
The sum is greater than 24.
Greater than, because negatives numbers become bigger when they approach 0.
Yes, 56 is greater than 54.
66 is greater than 54.
652 is greater than 54.
Yes, 31.25 is greater than 24
No. 54-30=24 24<1 is false
Yes, 0.0098 is greater than 0.0054. If you move the decimal 4 places to the right in each number, you have 98 versus 54, and of course 98 is greater than 54. As a note of grammar, 98 may not be LARGER than 54, depending on the FONT SIZE, but it will always be greater than 54.
Is -25 greater than 20
.12 is less than .24
36 quarts is much greater than 54 cups. 36 quarts is 134.1 cups (US measures).
24 is greater than 0.52
the answer is 54 because 6*9 equals 54