In my definition, very hot. For most people, it's very warm, but not quite hot. Room temperature is about 68. So this is on the warm side. It's typical weather of late spring, or very early fall.
Cold and Hot sometimes warm sometimes Hot
Oh, what a wonderful question! 76 degrees is actually a very pleasant and comfortable temperature for many people. It's not too hot or too cold, just right for enjoying a beautiful day outside or cozying up indoors. Just remember, everyone experiences temperature differently, so it's okay to adjust based on what feels best for you.
In terms of weather, 76 degrees Fahrenheit is generally considered warm or mild, rather than cold or hot. It falls within the comfortable range for many people. However, individual perceptions of temperature can vary based on factors such as personal preferences, acclimatization, and regional norms.
it is warmThat would be subjective. Which means a lot of factors come into play. If you were to ask if 98 degrees F is hot or 34 degrees F is cold, one could answer with a definite yes. But if you ask a person living in Alaska about 76 degrees F, they would say it was warm and shorts weather. But ask a person in Florida and they would say cold and wear long pants. Here in the Midwest we would say it's just right!
Well, if you are outside and it's 72, then that's pretty hot. But if it's 72 degrees indoors then that's neither hot nor cold.
Celsius, no it's very hot and Fahrenheit is quite cold,(10 degrees Celsius).`
The words hot & cold are relative.90 c = 194 f.For humans, that temperature is very, very hot.Too hot for us to live.
it cool outside
76 degrees is warm enough to wear shorts
59 degrees is warm not to hot not to cold
It is extremely cold at the South Pole, with temperatures often dropping below -60 degrees Celsius (-76 degrees Fahrenheit). It is one of the coldest places on Earth due to its polar climate and lack of direct sunlight during the winter months.
During the summer of 2003, there was a heatwave all over Europe and it got as hot as 113 degrees F (45 degrees C), which is as hot as it gets in the Sahara Desert! But usually in the first week of July the temperature is around 76 degrees F (25 degrees C). In the winter it can be quite cold with occasional frosts and snow.
It is hot
It's just over 24 degrees Celsius (as centigrade is now called) You're so lazy. If you have a temperature in Fahrenheit, take away 32 and then divide the result by 1.8 to get the temperature in degrees Celsius. So, 76 - 32 = 44 44 / 1.8 = 24.4 24.4 degrees C is your answer -30C is extremely cold: -22F -20C is very cold: -4F -10C is cold: 14F 0C is the freezing point: 32F 10C is cool: 50F 20C is quite warm: 68F 25C is warm: 77F 30C is hot: 86F 35C is very hot: 95F 40C is extremely hot: 104F
it is warmThat would be subjective. Which means a lot of factors come into play. If you were to ask if 98 degrees F is hot or 34 degrees F is cold, one could answer with a definite yes. But if you ask a person living in Alaska about 76 degrees F, they would say it was warm and shorts weather. But ask a person in Florida and they would say cold and wear long pants. Here in the Midwest we would say it's just right!
Well what if it is really cold outside and hot inside what will happen then, did you think of that? hot and cold it only your opinion because it think 10000 degrees is cold and -1383 degrees is hot
cold, very cold in math! hot or cold... hum hot subject, cold response ;) 0 degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water 0 degrees Fahrenheit is very cold. Freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit so dropping down to 0 degrees is even colder
Hot as an oven.