A hexagon is a six-sided polygon that can be a regular or an irregular shape.
A shape with six sides is a hexagon. A hexagon with all sides and angles equal is a regular hexagon.
A 6 sided hexagon can be a regular or an irregular shaped polygon
A regular hexagon
a regular hexagon
A six sided polygon shape which can be irregular or regular.
Only when it is a regular 6 sided hexagon
A hexagon is any shape with 6 sides. A regular hexagon is a six sided shape where all sides and angles are equal to one another. An IRRegular hexagon tends to look messy or ugly whilst a REgular hexagon tends to look symmetrical and 'perfect'.
A shape with six sides is a hexagon. A hexagon with all sides and angles equal is a regular hexagon.
A 6 sided hexagon can be a regular or an irregular shaped polygon
A regular hexagon
120 degreesa hexagon is a 36 degree shape
A regular hexagon has 6 equal sides and 6 equal angles
A 6 sided hexagon is only a regular shape if it has 6 equal sides otherwise it is an irregular shape.
False because a regular hexagon has 6 equal sides and not 8 sides
A regular shape. ( square -regular rectange-, regular pentagon, regular hexagon, equilateral triangle etc. etc.)
It is a regular 6 sided hexagon