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If two lines are parallel then the area of the plane between them is symmetrical about its centre-line (parallel to and mid-way between the boundary lines).

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Q: Is a parallel a line of symmetry?
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What is the name of a shape with 1 parallel line and 1 symmetry?

You cannot have one parallel line. There must be another line that it is parallel to. Also, 1 symmetry is meaningless - you can have one axis of symmetry or rotational symmetry of order one. The answer will depend on which one it is.

How many parallel and symmetry line has pentagonal based prism?

It has two 5-tuples and 5 pairs of parallel lines. It need not have any line of symmetry.

Does D have parallel lines?

No but it does have an horizontal line of symmetry

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An isosceles trapezoid has 1 vertical line of symmetry

Is there a quadrilateral with 1 line of symmetry and no parallel sides?

Yes. Think of a kite shape. Symmetry along its length but no parallel sides.

What are horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry?

A line which divides a body into two parts, such that each part is the mirror image of the others, then the line is called a line of symmetry. If such a line is parallel to the horizontal plane, then it is called a horizontal line of symmetry. Else, if the line of symmetry is perpendicular to the horizontal plane then it is a vertical line of symmetry.

Which quadrilateral sometimes has a line of symmetry but not all the time?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral that sometimes has a line of symmetry but not always. A trapezoid can have a line of symmetry if it is an isosceles trapezoid, where the non-parallel sides are congruent. However, in a general trapezoid where the non-parallel sides are not equal in length, there is no line of symmetry. This distinction is important in understanding the properties of different types of quadrilaterals.

Does an isosceles trapezoid perpendicular line segments?

No but it does have parallel line segments of different lengths and 1 line of symmetry

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Does a Rectangle have at least one line of symmetry?

A rectangle has two lines of symmetry, the lines that connect the midpoints of the parallel sides of a rectangle are lines of symmetry of the rectangle.

Why does a square have more lines of symmetry than a rectangle?

The diagonals of a rectangle aren't lines of symmetry unless it's square.

Why does capital letter H have 2 lines of symmetry?

It has one line of symmetry across the horizontal 'bar' of the H, and one vertical line parallel to the 'uprights' - mid-way along the horizontal bar.