A prime number has two factors, a composite number has more than two.
There is not such a thing as a composite prime number. A prime number has exactly two factors. A composite number has more than two factors.
If it has two factors, it's prime. More than two, it's composite.
It's not prime as it can be decided by two, so it has to be composite.2,232 is a Composite Number.
Composite A prime number is a number that has only two factors (itself and one) A composite number is a number that has more than two factors.
No. A prime number has exactly two different factors. A composite number has more than two different factors.NO. A number cannot be both prime and composite.
There are not any numbers that are both prime and composite. A prime number has exactly two factors. A composite number has more than two factors.
A composite number is basically one that is NOT a prime - a composite number is a product of two or more primes.
Not at all. The definition of a composite number is one that has more than two factors - the exact opposite of a prime.
A prime number has only two factors whereas a composite number has more than two factors
A composite number is the product of two or more prime numbers. A prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself; a composite number has at least one more factor than the two that a prime number has.
A prime number has two factors. A composite number has more than two factors.Since 0 has no factors, it is neither prime nor composite.