To compare two fractions, find a common denominator (multiplying the two denominators will always give you a common denominator), convert both fractions to the common denominator, then compare.
Another - actually easier - way to compare two fractions is to convert both to decimal. Just pick up a calculator, and divide the numerator by the denominator.
negative one and two fifths
Two fifths is greater than two sevenths
two fifths.
The LCD of 2/7 and 4/5 is 35.
two fifths of five sevenths is ten thirty fifths. Multiply the numerator and the denominators.
negative one and two fifths
It is four fifths
Two fifths is greater than two sevenths
Yes two fifths are greater than two sevenths
two fifths.
no...three sevenths is equal to 15/35 and two fifths is equal to 14/35.
The LCD of 2/7 and 4/5 is 35.
it is basically 2/5 x 7/4 which is 14/20= 7/10