Every number is divisible by any non-zero number. However, 1023 is not evenly divisible by 2.
2 is not divisible by 19008. 19008 is divisible by 2.
2 is not divisible by 870. 870 is divisible by 2.
it is divisible by 2.
2 is not divisible by 92. 92 is divisible by 2.
Numbers divisible by 6 will have at least one 2 and one 3 as prime factors because 2 x 3 = 6. The same is true for 2, 4 and 8. Numbers divisible by 4 are also divisible by 2. Numbers divisible by 8 are also divisible by 4 and 2.
Yes, 4095 is divisible by 4. When 4095 is divided by 4, the quotient is 1023 without remainder.
No, 1023 it is not one of the multiples of the base 2 (binary) system. 1024 is. 1024 = 210. Of course 1023 can be represented in base 2 however as 1111111111.
1001, 1012, 1023, 1034, 1045, 1056, 1067, 1078, 1089, 1100
No, both are divisible by 2.No, both are divisible by 2.No, both are divisible by 2.No, both are divisible by 2.
351 is not divisible by 2. 2 is not divisible by 351.
2 is not divisible by 19008. 19008 is divisible by 2.
Type your answer here... 2 × (6.02 × 1023)
The solutions are... 1001, 1012, 1023, 1034, 1045, 1056, 1067, 1078 & 1089
2 is not divisible by 972. 972 is divisible by 2.
2 is not divisible by 870. 870 is divisible by 2.
Of course not ! The answer is right within your question: 2 is divisible by 2 but 2 is not divisible by ... (can you dig it ?)
no.. for example 6,12,18 are divisible by 2..but not divisible by 8.