No. Odd numbers don't have even factors.
The GCF of any two odd numbers is always odd. The GCF of any two even numbers is always even. The GCF of an odd and an even number is always odd.
Yes and yes.
The GCF of any two odd numbers is always odd because odd numbers don't have any even factors. The GCF of any two even numbers is always even because even numbers are divisible by two and any common factors would have at least one two in common. The GCF of an even and an odd number is odd because odd numbers don't have any even factors.
The GCF of any set of odd numbers is odd because odd numbers don't have any even factors.
no, the GCF for 4 and 2 would be 2, which is even
No not always as for example the GCF of 7 and 21 is 7
Two even numbers won't have an odd GCF.
The GCF of an odd and even number is never even.
Not only can they, but they must. An odd number cannot have an even factor. So none of the factors of either of the two odd numbers can be even and so the GCF is made up of only odd factors and so it must be odd.
The GCF of an odd and an even number must be odd since odd numbers do not have any even factors.
No, their GCF is always odd.