

Is the number 23 unlucky

Updated: 11/3/2022
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7y ago

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There is no such thing as a lucky or unlucky number. It is simply a belief that some people have.

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Not particularly.

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Q: Is the number 23 unlucky
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Caesar's unlucky number is said to be the number 23. This belief comes from the fact that Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March, which falls on the 15th day of the month, and when adding the day of his death (the 15th) to the month (March), it equals 23.

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No, there is no such thing as a lucky or unlucky number: there is only superstition.

What are some unlucky numbers?

A lot of numbers can be unlucky, depending on which period of time you are asking about, or what background you have. The most common unlucky numbers are 13, 666 (the number of Satan) and 4 - in Greek Mythology, the lucky number was 3 so 4 was an unlucky number.

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The number 4

Is 13 a unlucky number everywhere?

no. in china and japan the unlucky number is 4 because it sounds like the dead

Is 13 a lucky number or unlucky number?

No, there is no such thing as a lucky or unlucky number: there is only superstition.

Is the 6th prime number unlucky for some?

Some superstitious people believe that 13, the 6th prime number, is unlucky.