Yes, they are.
21The square root of 441 is 21
441 square root
441 has two square roots; 21 or -21.
It is 21
i21 = square root of (-441)
If the reverse square root of the reverse of square of a number is the number itself then it is Adam Number. For ex., 12 and 21 Take 12 square of 12 = 144 reverse of square of 12 = 441 square root of the reverse of square of 12 = 21 The reverse square root of the reverse of square of 12 = 12, then number itself. Such number is called Adam Number. cool....................
length x length = area length = square root of 441= 21 inches
You just have to divide 441 by a few numbers until you get the same number you divided by. 441 divided by 10 is 44.1 so try 12. 441 divided by 12 is 36.75. Continuing this trial and error, you eventually find that 441/21 is equal to 21. Therefore 21 squared is 441; and the square root of 441 is 21. Or you just put in a calculator 441 and hit the squared button that looks like this: √