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The third decimal place in this example is occupied by the number one: 00.001 (the one is in the thousandths place)

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That's the thousandths place

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Q: Is the third decimal place to the right of the decimal point?
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Where the thousandths place in a decimal fraction?

Third to the right of the decimal point

what digit is the thousandth place of a decimal number?

The third to the right of the decimal point.

Where is the thousandths place in decimal form?

It is the third digit after (to the right of) the decimal point.

How is 17 thousandths has more than two places to the right of the decimal point?

The first place after the decimal point is tenths. The second place after the decimal point is hundredths The third place after the decimal point is thousandths. So the number must extend to the third place after the decimal.

Where is the thousandths place located?

It is the third digit to the right of the decimal point.

What spot is thousandths?

The third digit to the right of decimal point is in the thousandths place.

What place is the third zero after the decimal place called?

The third plce value to the right of the decimal point is the thousandths place. So the 3rd zero after the decimal would be called 0 thousandths.

Can the hundredth place be before the decimal?

Relative to the decimal point, the hundreds place is the third to the left and the hundredths place is the second to the right.

How do i identify the 1000th place of a math problem?

The thousandths place is the third digit to the right of the decimal point.

Which digit is in the thousandths place of the decimal number 3. A.1 B.2 or C.9?

The thousandths place is the third to the right of the decimal point.

How many decimal to the nearest hundred?

You don't need any digits to the right of the decimal point for an estimate to the nearest hundred. The third place to the left of the decimal point is the hundreds column. The second place to the right of the decimal point is the hundredths column. the tenths and hundredthscolumn together give you changes in increments of hundredths of a unit from point 00 to point 99.

What is the place value for 3 in the number 192955.193007?

the "thousandths place". To determine the place, start at the decimal point, and to the right of the decimal point, the order is "tenths", "hundredths", "thousandths", "ten-thousandths", "hundred-thousandths", "millionths" and so on. In 192955.193007 the 3 is the third place to the right of the decimal so its in the "thousandths place".