Thirty-three is a composite number.
No 23 is a prime #
The smallest three digit composite number is 100, and the largest two digit number is 99. 100-99=1.
The number "three" (3) is a prime number since it can be divided only by itself or the number "one" (1). A composite number contrastingly must be greater than 1 and must not be prime.
Thirty-three is a composite number.
A composite number has three or more factors.
129 is divisible by three, hence it is a composite number.
At least three
A composite number.
a composite number
It can be divided into by three. :)
It's divisible by three, since the sum of its digits is divisible by three. So it's composite.
A composite number.
That's a composite number.
Not necessarily. The prime factorization of the composite number 10 is 2 x 5. Composite numbers have three or more factors.