If you had a backwards 2 and a normal 2 and put them together you would get a fish. Just go get a piece of paper and something to draw with and try it for yourself...
Yes two plus two is fish, because if you flip one of the two's backwards they're together so it looks like a fish.
Of course not. Two plus two equals four. 2+2=4
Well, fish plural is still fish, and it is unknown what the amount of fish is in the problem or if you are referring to one fish. So this question is unsolveable.
no everyone knows 2+2= fish
half a fish
Two plus two is equal to four, not eight. Although there are some opinions that 2+2 is equal to 5 (or even fish), those are obviously untrue. Two plus two is only equal to four, and nothing else.
4 fish
one plus one is dog two plus two equals fish and three pluss three equals cat four plus four equals rabbit 10 plus 10 equals cow and 32 plus 32 equals wilderbeast and so on and so fourth.
Its fish not nuggets
3/4 fish