Convert the fractions to a common denominator, then you can easily compare.
Or convert them to decimals - that's easy with a calculator. That also lets you compare easily.
One is bigger than the other,
no, 2/3 is the same as 6/9
Four Eights Is Bigger Than Five Ninths.
Four sixths is bigger. Since if you simplify four sixths is equivalent to two thirds. So two thirds is bigger than two fifths, just like one half is bigger than two thirds.
No, two thirds equals about 66%, while seven ninths equals about 77%...
Common DenomenatorFirst you need a common denomenator.2/3 4/9you can multiply 2/3 by 3/3 to make it 6/9look at the number on top. is 6 bigger than 4? or is 4 bigger than 6?6 is bigger than four, so 2/3 is bigger than 4/9
One is bigger than the other,
no, 2/3 is the same as 6/9
I'm mostly sure that four sixths is bigger than two thirds.
Four Eights Is Bigger Than Five Ninths.
Four sixths is bigger. Since if you simplify four sixths is equivalent to two thirds. So two thirds is bigger than two fifths, just like one half is bigger than two thirds.
No. Two-thirds is (16 and 2/3 percent) less than four-fifths.
No, two thirds equals about 66%, while seven ninths equals about 77%...
Three tenths is bigger than two ninths.