Find a quotation you like, and call it "quotation of the day".
Find a quotation you like, and call it "quotation of the day".
Find a quotation you like, and call it "quotation of the day".
Find a quotation you like, and call it "quotation of the day".
January 27, 1948 was a Tuesday.
January 27, 1984 was a Friday.
January 27 1984 was a Friday.
27 January 1963 was a Sunday.
January 27 1985 was a Sunday.
January 27 1972 was a Thursday.
January 27, 1979 fell on a Saturday.
January 27, 1978 was a Friday.
January 27 1987 was a Tuesday.
January 27, 2011 fell on a Thursday.
January 27, 2000 fell on a Thursday.
January 27, 1997 fell on a Monday.