Gcf(133, 152, 95) = 19 gcf(13, 31, 52, 95) = 1
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 8 19 is 152.
The least common multiple of 95 , 150 = 2,850
The LCM is: 285
The LCM is: 760
The LCM is: 760
The LCM is: 760
To find the LCM of 95 and 152, you first need to split these numbers into their prime factors: 95 = 5x19 152 = 2x2x2x19 The next step is to identify any common prime factors. In this case both have 19 as a prime factor. We only need to count this common number once, but gather all the other numbers: 5,19,2,2,2 And find the product: 5x19x2x2x2=760 So the LCM of 95 and 152 is 760.
The LCM is: 152
The LCM is 3192.
The percentage can be calculated using the formula (152/160) * 100 = 95%. Therefore, 152 is 95% of 160.
LCM(38, 8, 19) = 152
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 38 8 is 152.
percentage = 62.5%% rate:= 95/152 * 100%= 0.625 * 100%= 62.5%
152 is 160% of 95