You can find a common denominator of any set of denominators by multiplying them together. That result will not necessarily be the lowest common denominator. Example: 1/6 and 1/9 6 x 9 = 54 and 54 is a common denominator of 6 and 9, but the LCD is 18.
It is not possible to give a sensible answer to this question. The least common denominator (LCD) refers to a multiple that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one number in the question!
Three is the lowest common denominator. 21 divided by 3 = 7 54 divided by 3 = 18 21/54 = 7/18
You must find a common denominator. 6x9=54 5x9= 45/54 5x6=30/54 answer=15/54 or 5/18 in lowest form
lcm(27, 54) = 54.
The lowest common multiple of 6 and 27 is 54.
You can find a common denominator of any set of denominators by multiplying them together. That result will not necessarily be the lowest common denominator. Example: 1/6 and 1/9 6 x 9 = 54 and 54 is a common denominator of 6 and 9, but the LCD is 18.
It is 54
The least common multiple (LCM) is often also called the lowest common multiple or smallest common multiple. Keep in mind that these different terms all refer to the same thing: the smallest positive integer which is a multiple of two or more numbers.The least common multiple of 27 and 54 is 54.
It is not possible to give a sensible answer to this question. The least common denominator (LCD) refers to a multiple that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one number in the question!
Three is the lowest common denominator. 21 divided by 3 = 7 54 divided by 3 = 18 21/54 = 7/18
You must find a common denominator. 6x9=54 5x9= 45/54 5x6=30/54 answer=15/54 or 5/18 in lowest form
54 is.