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Conductor are materials that conduct electricity. There are also semiconductors, which conduct electricity but not as well, and superconductors, which conduct electricity without resistance when very cold.

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Q: Materials which lets electricity go through them are called?
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What is the scientific name of a substance that lets electricity flow through it?

A substance that lets electricity flow through it is called a conductor (or sometimes, to be more explicit, it is called an electrical conductor). Substances which do not permit the flow of electricity are called insulators.

What is the scientific word for a material that lets electricity flow through it?

it is called conductivity.

What is a material that lets electricity pass through it easily?

A material that allows electricity to pass through it easily is called a conductor. Examples of good conductors include metals like copper, silver, and aluminum. These materials have free electrons that can easily move in response to an applied electric field.

What sort of material lets electricity through?


What is conductor mean?

when it lets electricity go through

What is a conductor mean?

when it lets electricity go through

What is a material that lets electricity pass through it?

copper :)

What material lets electricity flow easily?

Materials that allow electricity to flow easily are called conductors. Common examples include metals such as copper, silver, and aluminum. These materials have a high density of free electrons that can move easily in response to an electric field.

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yes because any metals except iron lets electricity through it

A circuit flow on a open switch?

no because when you close it, the circuit is complete so it lets the electrons pass through

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A material that only allows some light to pass through is called translucent. Unlike transparent materials, which allow all light to pass through, translucent materials diffuse the light, allowing only some of it to pass.

What name is given to an item which lets electricity though?

It is called a 'conductor'.