meters or kilometres
Probably meters
Square meter is a unit of measurement for area, and meter is a unit of measurement of length. So these two units cannot be compared to each other.
There are 0.000001 meters in a gram. A meter is a unit that is used to measure the length of something.
Nanometers, just like meters, are used to measure length.
No such thing. Meters=Unit of Measurement Kiloliter=Unit of Mass
cubic meters
meters, der!
meters or kilometres
A foot is a unit of length, equivalent to 0.3048 meters.
A tablespoon is a unit of volume measurement, not length. Therefore, it cannot be directly converted to meters.
The unit of measurement typically used to measure the distance between buildings is feet or meters.
Probably meters
meters are a unit of measurement and can be used in both algebra and geometry.
Answer: meters