Here are some factors:kilo: 1000
mega: 1,000,000
giga: 1,000,000,000
milli: 0.001
micro: 0.000 001
nano: 0.000 000 001
For a longer list, check the Wikipedia article for "metric prefix".
For thousands and thousandths, the prefices are
yotta septillion
zetta sextillion
exa quintillion
peta quadrillion
tera trillion
giga billion
mega million
kilo thousand
unit unit
milli thousandth
micro millionth
nano billionth
pico trillionth
femto quadrillionth
atto quintillionth
zepto sextillionth
yocto septillionth
International System of Units (SI)
si units are based on the metric system system international (French) international system (English)
dall can be
SI is a base 10 standardized system
"Please give your answer in SI units"
The SI prefix "deca-" represents a multiple of ten.
4 and any multiple of 4
The common units used for measuring mass are grams (g) and kilograms (kg). In some cases, mass can also be measured in metric tons or pounds.
The SI unit for any mass is the kilogram. However, the mass of particles such as neutrons are often expressed either in atomic mass units (amu), or in electron-volts (eV) or some multiple such as MeV - but those, of course, are not SI units.
In the International System (SI), a length or distance is measured in meters, or some multiple like km., mm., etc.
Lengths - including wavelengths - are measured in meters. Of course, multiple or sub-multiples such as kilometers, nanometers, etc. may be used in practice.
1000, or a 100.
It is: 18975
The SI unit for power is the watt. Commonly, either the watt or some multiple or submultiple is used for power, for example kilowatt, megawatt, gigawatt, milliwatt, etc.