a number
two ten thousandths
0000, 0001, 0002, ...., 9997, 9998, 9999
.0002 millimeters
a number
0.003 is bigger, but not by much.
.0002 is the estimated number
Using base10 number system, it is: 2000 +0002 ----- 2002
Every whole number can be written as a fraction because all the whole numbers have 1 as their denominator. So 0002 can be a fraction as 0002/1 or 2/1
The phone number of the Quince Orchard Branch is: 240-777-0002.
The phone number of the Childrens Museum Of Tampa is: 813-277-0002.
The phone number of the Jacqueline House Museum is: 601-619-0002.
0002 is the same as 2 and 0009 is the same as 9 So 2 is less than 9
0000, 0001, 0002, ...., 9997, 9998, 9999