

Rectangle is to area as cube is to?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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Volume could be the word you're looking for.

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Q: Rectangle is to area as cube is to?
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How many time does a 4 by 5 rectangle go into a 40 by 120 rectangle?

240 times. We need to find the area of each and divide them into each other. Rectangle 1: 4x5=20 Rectangle 2: 40x120=4800 The area of cube 2 divided my the area of cube 1 is the answer. 4800/20=240.

Is a cube and rectangle different figures?

No because the rectangle is a longer version of the cube and the cube is a shorter version of the rectangle.

How do you find the cubed area of a rectangle?

The question does not make any sense. A rectangle is a 2-dimensional object and an area is a 2-dimensional concept. The area of a rectangle is its length times its width. A cube is 3-dimensional. There is no such thing as a cubed area.

Square is to rectangle as cube is?

square is rectangle as cube is to rectangular prism

What is the difference between a rectangle cube and a square cube?

Well a square cube is the same length on all sides unlike a rectangle cube.

How many sides does a cube and rectangle have?

cube has 6 sides and a rectangle has four sides

How are a cube and a rectangle alike?

they are not alike. A rectangle is 2 dimensional, a cube is 3 dimensional

How is the surface area different from the area?

The surface area is the area of every face of a 3D object, such as a cube or sphere. Area usually refers to a flat object, such as a circle or rectangle.

What is the base of a cube prism?


How many cube fit in a rectangle?

None.A rectangle is a 2-dimensional shape and therefore no 3-dimensional figure, such as a cube, can fit into it.

Is a rectangular prism longer than a cube?

it depend on the dimensions of the cube and the rectangle

Which of these is a geometric shape pyramid cube or rectangle?

the main tridimensional geometric form is the cube fromthe cube you can get a pyramid by cutting edges, then the rectangle is a geometrical shape too but bidimensional.