549 rounded to the nearest hundred is 500.
549 and 450 rounded off the nearest hundred is 500
549 to the nearest hundredths place is 549.00
549 rounded to the nearest hundred is 500.
It is 549.
450 to 549
549 and 450 rounded off the nearest hundred is 500
549 to the nearest hundredths place is 549.00
549 rounded to the nearest ten is 550
The largest integer that, when rounded to the nearest hundred, would round to 500, is 549.
To round 549 to the nearest thousand, we look at the hundreds place, which is 5 in this case. Since 5 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up. Therefore, 549 rounded to the nearest thousand is 1000.
I am not quite sure what you mean by the "lowest hundred" (or lowest hunderd, even). To the nearest hundred, it would be 549.99... recurring.