Well, aren't we trying to be a little math wizard here? Let's break it down - the day before tomorrow is today, two days after that is Saturday, so the day before that would be Thursday. So, if you're asking what day it is today, it's Thursday. Hope that clears things up for you, honey.
Think about it, what day is it two days before Saturday? Look on the calender if you can't figure it out. Two days before saturday would be Thursday. If Thursday was yesterday, then today would be Friday.
Five days after Wednesday is Monday. So if Monday is the day after tomorrow, today is Saturday.
Sunday Day before yesterday = Wednesday Yesterday = Thursday Today = Friday Tomorrow = Saturday Day after Tomorrow = Sunday
The day before tomorrow is called "today." Therefore, two days before tomorrow would be "yesterday." This is because each day progresses linearly in a chronological sequence, with yesterday being the day that comes before today, and tomorrow being the day that comes after today.
Today is Sunday. Monday is the day before two days after today (the day before tomorrow). Monday is the day before Tuesday. Two days after today is Tuesday.
Well, aren't we trying to be a little math wizard here? Let's break it down - the day before tomorrow is today, two days after that is Saturday, so the day before that would be Thursday. So, if you're asking what day it is today, it's Thursday. Hope that clears things up for you, honey.
If the day after tomorrow is Sunday, then tomorrow is Saturday. Therefore, today is Friday. Yesterday was Thursday.
it will be the third day from today (or the day after tomorrow).
Think about it, what day is it two days before Saturday? Look on the calender if you can't figure it out. Two days before saturday would be Thursday. If Thursday was yesterday, then today would be Friday.