the diffrenece between two 3 digit numbers is a palindrome between 200 and 300. what are the numbers?
There is no limit to numbers, thus there is no limit to palindrome numbers.
1, 2, 3
There is no difference. In both cases, the place value, of any digit, is ten times the place value of the digit to its right.
As the numbers are between 200 and 300 then the first and last digits must be 2 ; the numbers must be 2?2. The possible palindromic numbers in this range are 202, 212, 222, 232, 242, 252, 262, 272, 282 and 292. The difference between any two of these numbers is a number between 10 and 90 which is a multiple of 10.
There is no limit to numbers, thus there is no limit to palindrome numbers.
There is no difference. In both cases, the place value, of any digit, is ten times the place value of the digit to its right.
1, 2, 3
The largest 5-digit number is 99,999, the smallest is .00001,and the difference is 99,998.99999 .If you only want to consider whole numbers, then the smallest is 10,000and the difference is 89,999 .
Any, and every, number can be transformed into a palindrome.
The smallest 3-digit palindrome is 101.