rem is an acronym for roentgen equivalent man, the unit used to measure the amount of radiation that results in the same amount of human tissue damage as that caused by one roentgen of X-rays.
Rad is a unit of absorbed radiation dose, while rem is a unit of dose equivalent that takes into account the biological effects of different types of radiation. Rem is considered a more accurate measure of the potential harm from radiation exposure, as it includes the type of radiation and its energy level.
The unit of measure for work output is the joule (J).
The SI unit of voltage is the Volt, which is a derived unit equivalent to a Joule/Coulomb.
The metric unit of length is the 'meter'.
The base unit of measure for FAID6000 is each (EA).
Unit used to measure radiation dosage (1/1000 of a rem)
Roentgen (or Becquerel)Rad (or Grey)Rem (or Sievart)Depending on what you want to measure
Radiation dose in terms of the amount of the biological effect caused by the amount of energy absorbed
Rad is a unit of absorbed radiation dose, while rem is a unit of dose equivalent that takes into account the biological effects of different types of radiation. Rem is considered a more accurate measure of the potential harm from radiation exposure, as it includes the type of radiation and its energy level.
As far as I am aware, CO is not a unit of measure.
A unit can be a measure of length. It is one-dimensional. A squared unit can be a measure of area. It is two-dimensional. A cubic unit can be a measure of volume. It is three-dimensional.
This depends on what unit you are using to measure in. However, area will always be measure in (unit)^2.
The measure unit of a kilometer stick is kilometer.
The international (SI) unit of mass is the kilogram.