.45 is less than 1 but if you mean fractions then it's 45/100 but if it's 4.5 then it's 45/10
It is the half-way point between 44 and 46.
Half of 90 is 45 (90 divided by 2)
the number that comes exactly between 45 and 49 is 44 and half
22.5 or 22 and 1/2 is half of 45
45% is a fraction and there is no sensible way to express it as a whole number.
1/2 of 45 is 22 1/2 or 22.5
it is because his father's favorite number is 45, he just want to duplicate half of his fathers accomplishment, so half of 45 is 22.5, it cant be so he decided to round it off so its no. 23. That was the beginning of HIS AIRNESS.
Yes, I can. The number is 30.
His brother wore #45...and he said he wished he could half as good as him. Half of 45 is 22.5...so 23.