41 divided by 100 is 0.41
97.6190476%. Or you can round it to 98% You do 41 divided by 42 to get you answer
41/50 because 82 divided by 2=41 and 100 divided by 2 is 50 so it equals 42/50.The percentage would be 82%The decimal would be 0.82.It is: 41/50 in its simplest form
A percentage is always out of 100 and so if this is converted to a decimal, it is always out of 1.The number has simply been divided by 100.So to change a decimal to a percentage you simply multiply by 100.So 0.41 x 100 =41%
41 percent = 0.41 in decimal or 41/100 in fraction
41% = 41/100
You can not simplify 41/100. Decimal= .41 Percent= 41% Fraction= 41/100