2 x 37 = 74
1 x 74, 2 x 37.
2/74 = 0.027027 (repeating).To convert 0.027027 to percent multiply by 100: 0.027027 × 100 = 2.7027 %
When you multiply 2 negative numbers the answer will be positive, ALWAYS
Factors. example: 2 x 2 = 4 there, 2 and 2 are the 2 numbers you multiply, factors are the numbers you multiply together. It can be more that 2 factors.
1 x 74, 2 x 37.
these are all the real numbers that go into 370 1*370 2*195 5*74 10*37 37*10 74*5 195*2 370*1
2 x 37, or 1 x 74, or 0.5 x 158, or 0.1 x 740. The possibilities are endless.
1). If my answer is 74, then my answer is pretty close to 74, if not exactly 74. 2). If I multiply your number by 2, then you must have told it to me first. What was it ?
70 and 4 if you add them. 80 and 6 if you subtract them. 37 and 2 if you multiply them. 148 and 2 if you divide them.
1 x 74, 2 x 37, 37 x 2, 74 x 1
2 x 37 = 74
74 = 2*3774 = 2*3774 = 2*3774 = 2*37
74 can be expressed as the sum of two numbers in different ways, such as 37 + 37, 36 + 38, or 2 + 72.
1, 2, 37, 74: 1 x 74, 2 x 37.
You can make lots of sets that contain the number 74, for example:{74} {73, 74, 75} {0, 74, 8, 99} The set of integers The set of real numbers The set of complex numbers
Yes, all Even numbers are divisible by 2. 74 / 2 = 37