Yes. 69 can be divided by: 1 3 23 and 69.
69 is an integer so there is no numerator and denominator to divide!
Divide both by 3 so 69/123 = 23/41
LCM(47, 69) = 3243
10% off $3243 = $3243 - (0.1 x $3243) = $2918.70
69 is divisible by these numbers: 1, 3, 23, 69.
Yes. 69 can be divided by: 1 3 23 and 69.
1222 + 2111 + 3243 = 6576
The prime factors of 3243 are: 3, 23, 47
69 = 3 * 23
1, 3, 23, 69
10%=0.1 as a decimal. So, 3243-0.1=3242.9.
69 is an integer so there is no numerator and denominator to divide!