The only prime factors of 108 are 2 and 3.
It is prime because only 1 and 71 multiply together to get 71. No other whole numbers multiply to equal 71.
When you multiply two prime numbers together they become factors of the number that they equal. Since the number will have factors other than 1 and itself, the number cannot be prime.
You will need to multiply six prime numbers to obtain 400: 400 = 5*5*2*2*2*2
It is not clear whether you want to add the prime numbers, multiply them, or what.
none. 229 is prime
The only prime factors of 108 are 2 and 3.
The prime numbers that you multiply together to get 150 are 2, 3, 5, and 5.
It is prime because only 1 and 71 multiply together to get 71. No other whole numbers multiply to equal 71.
When you multiply two prime numbers together they become factors of the number that they equal. Since the number will have factors other than 1 and itself, the number cannot be prime.
Prime numbers are multiplied together in the same way as any integers may be multiplied together.
You will need to multiply six prime numbers to obtain 400: 400 = 5*5*2*2*2*2
It is not clear whether you want to add the prime numbers, multiply them, or what.
two prime numbers when added together will equal 63: 2 + 61
1. Find out which numbers multiply together to reach the target number, then find out which numbers multiply together to make the numbers that multiply together to reach the target number.
Multiply them together.
Well, two prime numbers added together to equal six are 3 and 3, and 5 and 1. Two prime numbers multiplied together to equal six are 3 and 2.