1, 5, 41 and 205.
Yes, 205 is divisible by these numbers: 1, 5, 41, 205.
205 = 1 x 205, 5 x 41
1 x 205 = 205, for starters. Since 205 is divisible by 5, we can find a number to multiply by 5 to get 205. This will be 205/5, or 41. 5 x 41 = 205. Since 5 and 41 are the only prime factors of 205, there are no other positive solutions.
20 percent of 205, is 41 Working- 10% of 205 (205 divided by 10) -equals 20.5 Times 10% by 2 to get 20% - 20.5 x 2 equals 41
The factors of 205 are: 1 5 41 205
205 ends in the digit 5, so it is obviously divisible by 5. 205/5 = 41 41, like 5, is a prime number which can only be divided without a remander by itself and 1. So the answer is 5 and 41 (and of course 1, which "goes into" all numbers.