217 is the higher than 133. If you are talking about fractions, then 2 over 17 is greater than 1 over 33 and 13 over 3 is greater than 21 over 7.
217 to 133 is a 38.7097% decrease.
38.71% decrease
The highest common factor for 133 and 161 is 7.
It is 121. That is the difference between 217 and 338, the highest and lowest numbers.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 7.
The GCF is 7.
217 to 133 is a 38.7097% decrease.
The greatest common factor of 133 and 217 is 7.
38.71% decrease
The common factors of 133 and 217 and 1 and 7.
Common factors of 77 and 217 are: 1 and 7.
The highest common factor for 133 and 161 is 7.
217 metres
The least common factor of any set of integers is 1.
It is 121. That is the difference between 217 and 338, the highest and lowest numbers.
The GCF is 1.