There is insufficient information for us to answer this question. Please edit the question to include more context or relevant information. For example, what kinds of crashes? If the country is likely to make a significant difference, then where?
Logging has the highest death rate.
The 20-65 group!There are no standardised age groups, so if you want to compare age groups you need to specify the age groups you wish to compare.
Sadly, the highest rate tends to be around the holidays (Christmas and Thanksgiving).
Las Vegas is the city with the highest suicide rate per capita in the US. Vegas has been at the top of the list for many years. The state with the highest suicide rate per capita is Alaska.
In 2008, young drivers aged 16-24 had the highest rate of crashes. This age group is more prone to risky behaviors and lack of driving experience, leading to a higher rate of accidents.
African american
older white males
The 20-34 age group had the highest growth rate in the Midwest region.
Our textbook-Human Sexuality 2010, states Latinos have the highest pregnancy rate in the U.S.
Teenagers are the age group which is most likely to get into a fatal car crash. It is believed that the reason for this is that teenagers do not drive as safely and also have a higher rate of drunk driving.
African Americans share croppers
African americans