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1 Both are classed as 4 sided quadrilaterals

2 Both have 4 equal sides

3 Both have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

4 Both have 4 exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees

5 Both have perpendicular diagonals that intersect at right angles

6 Both have 4 vertices

7 Both can be divided into 4 right angle triangles

8 Both will tessellate leaving no gaps or overlaps

9 Both have a perimeter which is the sum of their 4 sides

10 Both can be divided into 2 isosceles triangles

11 Both have an area of base*perpendicular height

12 Both can be the unified cross-section of a prism

13 Both can be subjected to the rules of trigonometry

14 Both are 2 dimensional shaped polygons

15 Both have only surface area with no volume

16 Both are squares when both of them have 4 equal interior angles

17 Both can be subjected to Pythagoras' theorem

18 Both can be individually congruent or similar

19 Both also have an area of: 0.5*product of their diagonals

20 Both of its 3 other interior angles can be found when 1 is known

21 Both can form the base of a pyramid

22 Both have opposite parallel sides

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8y ago

A square IS a rhombus, which happens to have right angles - since all four sides have the same length. In other words, you can consider a square to be a special type of rhombus. Therefore, any property which the rhombus has is also shared by the square (but not vice versa). Some of these properties are:* Four sides

* All sides are congruent (same length)

* Opposite angles are congruent (same measure)

* Diagonals bisect each other

* Diagonals cross one another at right angles

A rhombus also inherits all the properties of a parallelogram, and of quadrilaterals in general, so some of those more general properties can be used here, too - for example:

* The sum of the four angles is 360°

* Opposite sides are parallel

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Q: What are a score or more geometrical properties that a square and a rhombus have in common?
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Is a squae a rombsus?

A square is not a rhombus because they have different geometrical properties but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals

Why can a square also be a rectangle and a rhombus?

No because each of them have different geometrical properties but they are all 4 sided quadrilaterals

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Properties of rhombus that square has :- * All sides are equal. Properties of rectangle that square has :- *Each angle is 90 degree. *Diagonals are equal.

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What are the properties of a square that are not properties of a rhombus?

A square has 4 congruent sides and 4 congruent angles

Are rectangles also rhombus?

Most rectangles are not rhombuses, but there is a shape that has all the properties of a rectangle and all the properties of a rhombus at the same time. It is called a square. A square is a special rectangle and a special rhombus.

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A rhombus. (Could also be a square if there's a 90o angle)

Can a rectangle be also a rhombus?

Yes. There is a shape that has all the properties of a rectangle and all the properties of a rhombus at the same time. It is called a square.

Is a parolelogram a square?

A parallelogram has different geometrical properties than a square but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

Can a square not be a rectangle?

No because they have different geometrical properties but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals

How are the quadrilateral square and rhombus similar?

A square is a rhombus - it has all the properties of a rhombus. A square also has the additional property that all angles are right angles. This means that all squares are rhombuses, but not all rhombuses are squares.squares are quadrilaterals.

Why is a rhombus sometimes an equilateral?

Because a rhombus has 4 equal sides but it has different properties to a square which also has 4 equal sides