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Gianni Wilderman

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Q: What are digits from 0-9?
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Coimbatore Anna university registration number format?

Eg : 090105621002 In this lets seperate these digits as 3 digits each The 1st 3 digits represtents the year of joining eg:2009 so 09 then next 3 digits are the course code next 3 digits are the college code next 3 digits are the student roll num.. 002 here its the 2nd roll num

Losingest NBA team not the lakers?

The 72-73 76er's were 9-73. However the 09-10 Nets are on pace to equal that. but the 09-10 nets got double digits in wins this year

How many prime numbers with two digits exist?

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Which pattern do you see in multiples of 9?

The last digits of each number are counting down as the first digits are counting up. 09, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54,63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108

What does 09-09-09 mean?

This is the date of September 9, 2009.Other comments by WikiAnswers contributors:* This coming September 9, 2009, is the 252nd day of the year, 252 adds to 9, and 09-09-09 = 27.* 09-09-09 is also the last of the single-digits dates for quite a while - 92 years to be precise. * It is also the upside-down number of "the beast" - satan = 666, of course. * The day itself falls on a Wednesday and both Wednesday & September have 9 letters.

A date can be written 30th of the 4 2008 the sum of the digits is 17 on what date this century does this total reach its highest value?

29/09/2099 (sum 40)

How many numeric digits in 32000 Crore?

12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.

How many digits are in 29,400?

6 digits

How do you convert fractions to recuring decimals?

Converting fractions to any kind of decimal is done in exactly the same way: divide the numerator by the denominator. The reverse of converting a recurring decimal to a fraction is done: Look at the digits that recur in the decimal. Count how many there are and then put the recurring digits as the numerator of a fraction with that number of 9s as the denominator. eg to convert 0.33333.... to a fraction, see that the recurring decimal is the digit 3, thus the fraction would be 3/9 = 1/3. eg to convert 0.09090909... to a fraction, see that the recurring decimal is 09 (or 9) and there are 2 digits (the leading 0 is important in counting the number of digits), thus the fraction is 09/99 or 9/99 = 1/11. eg: to convert: 0.142857142857.... to a fraction, see that the digits 142857 recur and there are 6 of them, thus it is 142857/999999 which reduces down (simplifies) to 1/7.

How many digits does a quadrillion have?

A quadrillion has 16 digits.

How many scientific digits are in 0.00243?

There is no such thing as scientific digits. There are 6 digits in the number of which 3 are SIGNIFICANT (not scientific) digits.