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A dummy variable is a variable that takes on the values 1 and 0; 1 means something is true. These are used in statistical analyses.

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A group of variables.

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the dummies DUMMIES?


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Dummies is the plural. The singular is dummy.

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The "For Dummies" brand features an illustrated character called "Dummies Man" or "The Dummies Guy" who appears on the cover of their books. He does not have an official name.

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because they are dummies!

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Sean Masaki Flynn has written: 'Economia Para Dummies/ Economy for Dummies (Para Dummies) (Para Dummies)' 'Economics for dummies' -- subject(s): Economics

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Showroom Dummies was created in 1977.

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The most popular book was: How to survive war--for dummies other books include how to shoot--for dummies how to run away without getting shot--for dummies how to pretend your dead--for dummies how to dodge bullets--for dummies

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Dan Gookin wrote the book Laptops For Dummies as well as Dos For Dummies and PC's for Dummies. He has written a total of over 130 computer books. Amazing.

First title in dummies book series?

DOS for Dummies. 1991.

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The duration of Pornmaking for Dummies is 1.2 hours.

What mammal lives in the forest and has hair?

dummies why can't you figure it out??? i repeat, dummies

What are the release dates for Dummies - 1985?

Dummies - 1985 was released on: USA: 1985