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There are only two consecutive numbers that are primes, namely 2 and 3.

Otherwise there is always a gap of at least 2; two primes separated by a gap of exactly 2 (eg 3 and 5) are known as twin primes.

If you are wanting to know what the twin primes between 1 and 200 are, then they are:

{3, 5}, {5, 7}, {11, 13}, {17, 19}, {29, 31}, {41, 43}, {59, 61}, {71, 73}, {101, 103}, {107, 109}, {137, 139}, {149, 151}, {179, 181}, {191, 193}, {197, 199}.

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The numbers 2 and 3 are a special case apart from these there are no consecutive prime numbers.

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